Friday, June 21, 2024

Kicking Out the Jams



What do you do after you've been blogging about (mostly) TTRPG stuff for half a year or so? Start joining every game jam in sight! First up is the Sci-Fi One-Shot Jam 2024, which was a nice bite-sized way to dip my toes in.

The prompt was to create a one-shot science fiction adventure based on the theme of stellar phenomena, with a bunch of optional restrictions: keep the whole thing on (both sides of) a single page, make it text-only, make it system-agnostic, and introduce a secondary theme of unintended consequences or mystery. Text-only and system-agnostic were my inclinations anyway, and the one-sheet limitation proved to be enjoyably challenging. (And a little mystery? Why not!)

The result: Storm of the Century. Of course, I went with an oops-all-tables kind of approach, because I love tables, and thus it's not exactly an adventure; it's more like an adventure premise and a bunch of tools for fleshing it out. But it was fun to make, and hopefully it's fun to read too!

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